Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine visited THE Municipality of Indjija. During the visit the Royal Couple met the Mayor of Indjija Mr. Petar Filipovic and attended the opening of the local branch of the Kingdom of Serbia Association. HRH the Crown Prince laid wreaths at the Monument to HM King Peter I to commemorate anniversary of the liberation of Indjija in the First World War.
The Royal Couple visited Indjija Health Center and donated equipment vital for prevention of hearth diseases. The donated Holter EKG will allow the Health Center to introduce new medical services to date available only in major health centers.
During the visit HRH Princess Katherine donated much needed food to the local charity effort run by the municipal Youth Office. The charity distributes food and clothes to socially vulnerable citizens of Indjija.
The Royal Couple visited and laid wreaths at the Monument to His Majesty King Peter I the Liberator, one of the first royal monuments restored in Serbia after the fall of communism.