Opština Inđija |
Inđija - Most transparent local administration in Serbia

03.06.2013| T.Đoković

Inđija - Most transparent local administration in Serbia

„Award came in inconvenient moment for our municipality when we’re subjected with pressure from various sides, but this award is confirmation that we did our job good, and that we’re good at our job – doing everything for benefit of our citizens that voted for us and chose us to lead the local government. Award is significant because it comes from European Movement that enjoys great reputation in Serbia. Acknowledgement that we received obligates us to be even better in future, to be more efficient, and to improve our management – which is surely our goal. Next year we will apply for competition again, and I hope that award will remain in permanent ownership of our municipality“ – said the Mayor.

Municipality of Inđija won the first prize for most transparent local administration in 2013. in European movement project „The good government“. Mayor Petar Filipović received the award today on ceremonial conference in City House of Niš.

Among 48 local administrations, Inđija won the most points, while 2nd place was won by municipality of Vranje, Sombor was 3rd, Zvezdara was 4th and 5th place was won by municipality of Paraćin.

When the award was presented to him, Mayor Petar Filipović emphasized his satisfaction that municipality of Inđija won in such strong competition and singled out as the leader in this area. Mayor thanked European Movement for making possibility for municipalities to compete this way and pointed out that this kind of competitions are additional motivation for improvement of local self-governments work.

President of European Movement Mila Vujić signed agreement with Mayor Petar Filipović of guarding of award statue, which is transitional and handed the Charter that remains in permanent ownership. She told that award of European Movement is pendant to award that is presented by European Council and that competition criteria is transparent.


Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Gostovanje na televiziji Belle AmiePredsednik opštine Inđija, Petar FilipovićPredsednica Evropskog pokreta, Mila VujićGradonačelnik Niša, prof.dr Zoran Perišić Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Gradonačelnik Niša, Zoran AntićGradonačelnik Sombora, Nemanja DelićZamenik predsednika GO Zvezdara , Zoran VuletićDodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta Dodela nagrade Evropskog pokreta


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