Opština Inđija |
New Road for new Investors New Road for new Investors
March 31, 2017 | bojana | READ WHOLE TEXT
The mayor of Indjija, Vladimir Gak, has opened in Indjija’s north-eastern industrial zone, at the location 15, the road which length is 1,200 m. With the completion of the road, which has all infrastructure services, municipality of Indjija has ...

A new Factory is going to be built in Indjija A new Factory is going to be built in Indjija
March 30, 2017 | bojana | READ WHOLE TEXT
Mayor of Indjija, Vladimir Gak, has signed an agreement with the representative of company „Quass“, Duško Zdjelar, on the construction of a new factory for quass and soft drinks production. At the begining raw material will be imported from ...

New Construction Materials Production Factory has opened in Indjija New Construction Materials Production Factory has opened in Indjija
March 22, 2017 | bojana | READ WHOLE TEXT
The president of The Provincial Government Igor Mirović and the mayor of Indjija, Vladimir Gak, have opened a new factory for the production of construction materials in Indjija. After 8 years of stagnation, production of bricks and building ...

The Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has opened a New Production Plant of IGB Automotive Comp The Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has opened a New Production Plant of IGB Automotive Comp
January 24, 2017 | bojana | READ WHOLE TEXT
The Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić and the German Ambassador to Serbia Axel Dittmann have opened a new production plant of IGB Automotive Comp in the town of Indjija in ribbon cutting ceremony. Plant has created new 600 jobs and mostly ...

Representatives of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe have visited the Municipality of Indjija Representatives of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe have visited the Municipality of Indjija
January 17, 2017 | bojana | READ WHOLE TEXT
The President of the Congress, Gudrun Mosler-Törnström, and the Secretary General of the Congress, Andreas Kiefer, have visited the municipality of Indjija as part of their official visit to Republic of Serbia.  The mayor of Indjija, ...

Ceremonial opening of the Indonesian food factory "Indofood" in Indjija Ceremonial opening of the Indonesian food factory "Indofood" in Indjija
September 5, 2016 | bojana | READ WHOLE TEXT
The President of the Republic of Serbia Tomislav Nikolić and the President of the company "Indofood" Anton Salim have opened factory for the production of instant noodles in ribbon cutting ceremony. The opening ceremony was also attended by the ...

Bike park Bike park
July 27, 2015 | S.Todorović | READ WHOLE TEXT
Indjija got its first Bike Park dedicated to amateurs of all ages. The park has two polygons for the youngest, and also "pump track" polygon, a circular path length of 800 meters as well as the track "Down Hill" with wooden barriers, intended ...

Company IGB Automotive awarded a plaque of the Faculty of Technical Sciences Company IGB Automotive awarded a plaque of the Faculty of Technical Sciences
July 6, 2015 | S.Todorović | READ WHOLE TEXT
The company "IGB Automotive comp doo Indjija" received the plaque of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, for the expression of great interest to students who are studying in study ...

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