During the initial meeting or by direct contact of investors to the Directorate for the construction of Municipality or to the Municipal Government of Indjija investors are given / sent a request for purchase of building plots in Indjija.

Investors should specify:

1. type of object they want to build,

2. basic information about the plot:

  •  The location - North-East or South-East work zone
  •  Plot size
  • The size of the building

3. utility equipment needs:

  • Water supply network
  • Sewerage system
  • Gas network
  • Electric power network
  • TT network (number of telephone lines)

4. Description of investment

  • Activity
  • Aplanned number of employees
  • Value of investment

Once investors submit completed application Directorate for Construction of Municipality prepares an offer based on the needs of investors within 3-4 days. The offer states which plot is available, what are the prices. Investors receive a response by

items from a request. After that, the investor has to decide whether the offer suits, if it fits the same day Directorate starts the procedure:

Publication of the advertisement

(7-10 days are required for publication, the ad needs to be made, Board of Directors needs to adopt it and it has to be published in the Official Journal)

BY THE LAW advertisement must be published for 30 days. Next step is AUCTION

  • provided that investors are the sole provider of that day another 30 days has to pass in order to complete all the deadlines for appeals, declarations, records, paperwork and signing of the contract and becoming land owners

Next INVESTORS initiates the procedure for obtaining permits


If an investor wants to buy land from a private individual buying is done directly with the person who owns the plot. Investor may ask the Municipality to act as a mediator in the process for security.

If an investor buys land directly from private person he must pay for utility equipment of the plot to the Municipality

PRICE of utility equipment depends on the conditions. Different for NE and SE work zone, and it is determined by the requirements of investors, needs, land availability, energy consumption, etc. ..


Law on Planning and Construction (,, Official Journal of Republic of Serbia ", No. 72/2009), and Article 134, paragraph 2. issuance of building permits for the construction of facilities that are not defined in Article 133 Of the Law, for which the building permit is issued by Ministry in charge of construction was entrusted to local governments.

All requests are to be submitted at the counter service department 7, The Municipality of Indjija


Applying for the location information

Location information contains information about the capabilities and limitations of building on a land plot, based on the planning document.

Additional documentation:
  • Copy of of the lot plan.

Location information is issued within eight days from the date of application. Location information is not binding evidence.

Applying for Location Permit

Additional documentation:
  • Copy of the plot plan;
  • An extract from the Cadastre of underground installations;
  • Proof of ownership or lease rights on construction sites;

Request for the location permit must contain information on the type and purpose of the facility that will be built, and may also contain information about the planned layout, technical characteristics that may also be displayed on the graphic attached, on the cadastre and topographic base.

For the purposes of issuing a building permit must be obtained technical conditions of possible connections to the infrastructure, which are issued by the competent public enterprises.

In the construction of office space additional documentation is required:

  • Consent on the location and the design documentation for fire protection. Documents issued by the Serbian Interior Ministry, the Department of Emergency Management, Department of Emergency Situations Sremska Mitrovica.
  • In some situations must obtain special conditions (conditions of Vojvodina Waters PE, PE Roads of Serbia, Serbian Railways, etc.. Depending on the type of facility).
  • Depending on the type of facility impact on the environment must be evaluated.
  • Planning permission is issued within 15 days after the submission the complete request
  • A copy of the plot plan, Cadastre underground installations and proof of ownership or lease rights over construction land issued by the Republic Geodetic Authority, Department of Real Estate Cadastre Inđija.
Building permit

After obtaining the location permit start making technical documentation, detailed design

All the main elements of the project should be in accordance with the conditions set out in the location permit. Technical control gives an opinion, whether it's designer did the design documentation under the terms of public enterprises.

Additional documentation of the issuance of a building permit:

  • Location permit;
  • The Main project in three copies with a report on performed technical control;
  • Proof of ownership or lease of construction land;
  • Proof of relationship arranged for payment for construction land development;
  • Proof of payment of administrative fees.

Building permits are issued within eight days after the submission proper application. An integral part of the solution is a Main project. Building permits are issued for the entire building, or part of it, if that part is a technical and functional unit.

Building permit expires if fails to commence construction of the structure or construction works, within two years from the date of the final decision on issuance of building permits.

Notification of commencement of construction

The investor is obliged to notify the authority which issued the construction permit and competent building inspector of the beginning of construction of the building, eight days before the commencement of works. Registration includes a start date and completion date of construction works.

The submission of the completion of construction of the foundation

The Contractor is obliged to submit the authority which issued the construction permit, a statement of completion of the foundation. Within three days of receipt of the statement the authority controls conformity of the constructed foundations and issues a written confirmation.

Application for use permit

Suitability of the building for use is determined by the technical inspection. Technical inspection includes the compliance of the works with the building permit and technical documentation, as well as technical regulations and standards that apply to certain types of work, materials, equipment and installations. Technical inspection of the facility conducted by the commission established by the entity assigned to perform these tasks which has been inscribed in the appropriate registry.

Submit the application for the use permit for the constructed object

Municipal Government of Indjija forms the Commission for technical approval, the record shall be made of the technical acceptance in the presence of contractors and investors. Upon receiving a positive opinion on the record Department for Urbanism, Communal Housing and Environment issues use permit. If the Commission finds deficiencies on the site, the contractor shall be granted additional time to correct these deficiencies, and then constitutes a new record on the proposed issuance of the occupancy permit.

Authority issues the use permit within seven days of receiving the findings of the Commission for inspection which found that the building is fit for purpose.

After receiving the the use permit it to be carried out in the Department of Real Estate Cadastre by the investor.

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