The strategy of
sustainable development is a basic requirement that the Municipality of Indjija
must meet in the coming period to be able to expect funding for development
projects from IPA funds.
Within the sector of the economy, the basis of
the Strategy for Sustainable Development is a strong local economy and the
improvement of general and specific measures for the development of all sectors
of the economy.
Social development sector refers to a healthy,
safe, equitable and enlightened community. In this field, the expected
improvement of health and social protection, improving the protection of the
right to work and employment, improving the security of citizens, especially
the development of the system of protection of children and a higher quality
and availability of culture and sport.
Also, there is the improvement of education
and higher capacity of public administration to work with citizens.
In the field of environmental protection
Strategy is expected to bring on advancement of ecological culture and
education, the development of eco-policies and instruments, effective waste
management, intensive afforestation, the affirmation of the natural and
cultural heritage and the promotion of energy efficiency.